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Friday, January 15, 2010

Is 2010 only the beginning of the terrors yet to come?

Since the year has begun, California has been struck by 2 big quakes. one registering 6.5 in Eureka and a 5.3 near San Bernardino and there was talk by Cal-Tech that these two quakes were related. Then not even 3 days later the 7.0 in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Were the California Quakes foreshocks and linked to Haiti? or are these foreshocks to a Pacific and adjacent plate destabilization event?

This is also the year the USGS anticipate that an 8.0+ in conjunction with the beginning of Solar Cycle 24, will hit in Southern California either via the San Andreas Fault or the Puente Hills Fault in the L.A. Basin. This conclusion is made from earthquake patterns during Solar Cycles.

This is the list:

Valdivia, Chile: 9.5 May 22, 1960 (Apart of the most aggressive Solar Storm in the 20th Century)

Prince William Sound, Alaska, USA: 9.2 March 27, 1964(Apart of the most aggressive Solar Storm in the 20th Century)

Rat Islands, Alaska, USA: 8.7 February 4, 1965 (Apart of the most aggressive Solar Storm in the 20th Century)

Loma Prieta, California: 6.9 October 17, 1989 (During the Solar Cycle that knocked out the power in Quebec, Ontario, Canada on March 13, 1989)

Northridge, California: 6.7 January 17, 1994 (During the Solar Cycle that knocked out the power in Quebec, Ontario, Canada on March 13, 1989)

Hector Mine, California: 7.1 October 16, 1999 (Apart of the most powerful Solar Storm in Recorded History)

San Simeon, California: 6.5 December 22, 2003(Apart of the most powerful Solar Storm in Recorded History)

Sumatra, Indonesia: 8.7 March 28, 2005 (Apart of the most powerful Solar Storm in Recorded History)

Chino Hills, California: 5.5 July 29, 2008 (Apart of the most powerful Solar Storm in Recorded History)

Offshore Humboldt County (Eureka), California: 6.5 January 9, 2010 (The most aggressive Solar Storm since the Ice Age?)

Port au Prince, Haiti 7.0 January 12, 2010 (The most aggressive Solar Storm since the Ice Age?)

See the pattern? Coincidence or not?
Is this only the beginning of the road to ruination?

Only time will tell.

I'm sorry my first post didn't cover survival tips but my next post will.

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